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* Study Guides for Law Student Success

Study resources for law students available in the Law Library.

CALI Resources

CALI has several lessons for exam success.  Here are a few suggestions.  


Advanced Exam Writing: Using Cases on Final ExamsThis lesson helps students understand where cases fit in a final exam answer and develop arguments based on cases. Students' exam arguments should improve using this lesson's techniques. This lesson also includes video commentary from the author that expands on the material in the lesson.


Attacking Exams: This lesson will teach you the best ways to prepare for exams, and the best ways to organize your response on the day of your exam.


Legal Writing v. Exam WritingThis lesson explains some key differences between legal writing and exam writing. First, the lesson demonstrates the relationship between legal writing and exam writing. Next, the lesson explains the differences between legal writing and exam writing. After you complete this lesson you will be able to transfer writing and analysis skills learned in your legal writing course to your final exams.


CALI's Director of Curriculum Development, Deb Quentel, spoke with six law professors about outlines, studying for class, preparing for exams, time management, and how professors grade exams. The conversations were recorded as podcasts. While these podcasts are not intended to take the place of a conversation with your professor, the professors hope that these podcasts give law students additional insight into the exam process.

Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students--Panel 1

Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students--Panel 2

Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students--Panel 3

West Academic Study Aids

Books From the Library Catalog