U.S. Government Documents Coordinator &
Reference Law Librarian
Garbrecht Law Library
University of Maine School of Law
300 Fore Street
Portland, ME 04101
The United States Government Printing Office portal is
The Garbrecht Law Library has been a Federal Depository for U.S. Government Documents since 1964. There are nine other libraries in the State of Maine that have been granted Federal Depository status.
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) is responsible for the production and distribution of information for all three branches of the federal government. It disseminates that information through online platforms and through designated Federal Depository Libraries across the country. Congressional reports, U.S. Court opinions, research done under government contract, books and articles spanning a variety of topics are all examples of government documents. The GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys) allows for free online access to publications from all three branches of government.