Topics in Legal Practice: Racial Injustice in the Law I and II - LAW 713 (Fall 2022)
These two bridge courses provide opportunities for Maine Law students to study issues related to law and racial justice in a team-taught format. We will examine racial justice issues throughout a wide range of legal fields, including Property, Tax, Environmental, Criminal, Business, and Family Law, along with many others. Different Maine Law faculty members will lead each session. Students will read cases, law review articles, and other writings exploring how race affects the legal doctrine and policy all around us.
Changing Laws - LAW 713 (Winter Term 2021)
This experiential course will teach students how to implement meaningful legal change at the local level, exploring everything from identifying and finding the particular policy that the student would like to change, to figuring out which body to advocate to and different forms of local governance in Maine, to effective advocacy of legal changes and enforcement, to proposing and writing a new policing policy. Students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for change in policies.
Racial Injustice in the Law - LAW 713 (Fall 2020)
This bridge course provides an opportunity for Maine Law students to study issues related to law and racial justice in a team-taught format. We will examine racial justice issues throughout a wide range of legal fields, including Land Use, Tax, Criminal Law, Business Law, Family Law, and many others, with different faculty members leading various sessions. Students will read cases, law review articles, and other writing exploring how race affects the legal doctrine and policy all around us.
Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation and the Law - LAW 692 (Fall 2020)
Constitutional law in the U.S. (based on both the federal and state constitutions) has played active roles in framing issues related to race, gender, and sexual orientation, and legal equality in the last sixty years. The course will examine cultural ideas and constitutional theories that relate to civil rights litigation of various types related to these categories. The course will also analyze critiques of those ideas and theories, and consider alternative viewpoints.