D-1L: Maine Diversity Summer Associate ProgramAbout the program: As a part of our organizations’ shared commitment to diversity and inclusion, Bernstein Shur, Pierce Atwood, Verrill, The Jackson Laboratory, Preti Flaherty, Brann & Isaacson and WEX are jointly seeking 1L students who have a demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusion to apply as a ten-week Maine Diversity Summer Associate, assigned to one of our offices in Portland, Lewiston or Bar Harbor, Maine. We see individual differences, including but not limited to, in race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, and disability as critically important components to providing outstanding client service and a better work environment for our attorneys and staff.
Our goal is to provide a meaningful experience with a law firm or in-house corporate legal department to students who have completed one year of law school and who will contribute to the diversity and inclusion efforts of our firms and the Maine legal community.