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Scholarly Communications & Author's Rights

A guide for Maine Law faculty

Configuring Google Scholar

Claim or access your Google Scholar Profile:

  • Go to, sign in with your academic email address, and select "My Profile":

Your academic email will soon appear as "verified" by your educational institution.

  • Select the + symbol and choose "Configure article updates"

  • Choose "Don't automatically update" and confirm by clicking "Update Settings"

  • Confirm all new articles on receipt of email.

RECOMMENDED: Choose "follow" to receive updates on additions and citations.

Wouldn't it be easier to let Google Scholar populate my articles?

Not in the long run. Google Scholar runs on artificial intelligence to populate author results. Some bots are taking advantage of AI to associate little known "scholars" as a co-authors with more prominent authors, sometimes listing dozens of authors on one paper. Target profiles are often referred to as "polluted" profiles. We know of one author whose Google Scholar Profile was populated with over 5000 articles using this method. Trying to remove these false associations is a losing game of Whack-A-Mole. Google Scholar has not responded to inquiries.